Key Poses Close to completion



After countless hours of bendy posing, I am close to completing the key poses, I just need feedback and to correct any errors. After my first round of key poses I asked myself ‘Could I do better’ and I knew I could, I made him more bendy and full of expressions with a lot more movement that previously. The timings are almost correct by may alter a bit with in-betweens and such but the general looks and feel is there.

I think I’m just in the right place time-wise, perhaps slightly behind because I’ve been doing the key poses for 3 weeks, revising them constantly. I wanted to get the key poses exactly right so I don’t have to go back at a later stage because they are the most important part of my film. The in-betweens should take a lot less time than the key posesĀ  however I still need to tackle his wacky run cycle which will definitely take a bit of time. So with 5 and a half weeks left to finish the animation and sound, I may have a chance! (although I’m sceptical that I will get my final sounds done in that time)


Key Poses Close to completion